Junior Clerk And Talati Exam 2023 Free Coaching
Liberty Career Academy is an experienced organization that accompanies the candidates in every exam and prepares them for the exam.
There is an opportunity to succeed for candidates who want to get Gujarat Govt Jobs in 2023. Both Junior Clerk Exam and Talati Exam are likely to be taken in April-May 2023.
Candidates are being prepared to succeed in these exams through Offline and Online Coaching in Liberty. A series named Joshun is also running on YouTube channel in view of Junior Clerk and Talati examination by Liberty Career Academy.
Candidates who want to get this govt job should watch josh series and get coaching for each subject, in which coaching is provided by best faculty.
There are 20 subjects of Junior Clerk Exam 2023, Talati Exam 2023:
(2) Gujarati Literature
(3) Constitution
(4) Panchayati Raj
(5) History of Gujarat
(12) Mathematics
(13) Cultural Heritage of Gujarat
(14) Cultural Heritage of India
(15) Reasoning
(17) Computer
(18) Sports
(19) Environment
(20) Current Affairs
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